Archive for 2010
Week Twelve
Friday, December 24, 2010
Week Eleven
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Auntie Katie picked up this too-perfect onesie a couple of months ago for Lucy. I was saving it for her 12 week photo, but when I realized that her 12 week birthday fell on Christmas Eve, I moved its debut up a week. I took a series of pictures of her like I always do, hoping to get one good shot and while I was uploading them onto the computer I realized she was kind of quiet. I peeked in on her in the living room and she was asleep! Modeling is not an easy job.
Christmas is quickly approaching. The shopping is nearly done, decorating has been done for a while and even the Christmas cards are all mailed. Speaking of the Christmas cards...I went out on a limb and designed my own cards this year. I attempted to print them at a couple of places and was disappointed to find that no matter what I did or how good the preview looked online, the photo always cut off part of the text. So, I am sorry to have wished you all a merry holiday "seasor" - since 1/2 of the 'n' in season was cut off. How embarrassing.
Years ago I spent months making a felt applique stocking for Benjamin. It was a tedious process, but I always vowed that I would do the same for any of our other children. Well, once again it took me weeks and weeks, but I finished Lucy's stocking yesterday. I honestly don't know what to do with my time now that it is done, but it feels great to see both stockings hanging proudly on the mantel.
Bearded Men and Short Girls
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Week Nine
Friday, December 03, 2010
Week Eight + Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, November 26, 2010
Eight weeks have just flown by and Lucy is growing and getting more fun every day. She is becoming much more interested in the world around her - sometimes more interested in it than in eating her bottle. Yesterday, Lucy experienced her first Thanksgiving and her first holiday with the entire Schmitt family. Andy and Jennifer hosted the event in their home where we all enjoyed very tasty food. Lucy was happily passed around between Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles all day. Benjamin happily played with his cousins all day. It was a very nice holiday!
Week Six
Friday, November 12, 2010
Week Five
Saturday, November 06, 2010
There is really not much to say about this week. Lucy's doing well and we've all recovered from our crazy past weekend. Some of my cousins from Illinois (Brad and Carla, Roland and Cicely) visited this Thursday and were able to meet Lucy. It is a shame we don't live closer to each other because it is really fun spending time with all of them.
I don't know how much Lucy has grown officially, though I'd estimate her size to be just around 7 pounds by now. She's still in newborn clothing, which is a shame because we have so many cute outfits just waiting in the closet. I know she'll get to them eventually though.
Benjamin and Lucy are still bonding. He gives her a bottle every now and then and really enjoys coming home from school and telling her about his day. I have not ever heard him resent her or utter any negative words about her being here. He truly is in complete love with her and it is wonderful.
Her special day
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Lucy was baptized at our church this weekend where she was surrounded with family. It was a lovely day and our little gal was perfectly behaved throughout the whole ceremony. It was great to have so much family in town and we were happy to have the chance to spend a little extra time with some of the out-of-towners the evening before.
Lucy with her godparents, Dan and Katie:
When Zombies Attack...
Benjamin rocked his Zombie costume this Halloween. He even wore it while running his very first 5k (3 mile) race this past weekend. He is certainly taking after his Daddy in the running world and just loves running races. As a parent, there is no better feeling in the world than watching your child feel so incredibly proud of a major accomplishment. This is exactly what Mike and I experienced as they crossed the finish line together. He is already talking about his next race -- a true runner indeed!
Week Four
Friday, October 29, 2010
Week Three
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Week Two
Friday, October 15, 2010
Week One
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Playing Catch Up
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Astronomical assistance?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nope, no baby yet. As you can see, our list of birth date predictions is dwindling down (see sidebar on the right with the pink text). Even my own prediction has been come and gone. 3 more days until our due date. But, maybe there is some hope for something happening over the next day or two.
Two major astronomical occurrences will collide in the next 24 hours. The autumnal equinox, which rings in the beginning of fall will happen at 10:09pm tonight. The harvest moon, which is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox will officially be full at 4:17am tomorrow.
Full moon + the beginning of fall? Could mean lots of babies being born. We will just have to wait and see!
Of course, Benjamin's due date actually fell on the summer solstice (6/21/05), but he didn't make his appearance until SIX days later. But, ugh, I won't mention that...
I'm featured on
Friday, September 17, 2010

Half an Ironman
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mike completed his first Half Ironman triathlon distance (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, 13.1 mile run) on Sunday at the Square Lake Triathlon near Stillwater, MN. He and his brother, Joe, both finished strong at the race. Benjamin and I along with family spent all day on Sunday watching and cheering on the athletes. When Mike came past to finish his last 3 miles, Benjamin joined him for a short run. I just had to get a photo of this adorable sight:
Kindergarten, finally!
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Benjamin had his first big official day of school on Tuesday. He is now our big Kindergartener and is SO excited to be in this year of his schooling. He is still at the same Montessori school as last year, but is now in his Leadership year. He'll be spending lots of time setting an example for and helping the younger kids in his classroom. He also will be taking specialty classes throughout the week in movement, art, music and Spanish.
The labor race begins...
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
We are 18 days away from our due date (9/25) and some of you need to get your picks in for the Great Labor Debate II! Don't forget to leave a comment with your date - before it is too late!
Great Aunt Marianne: 9/15
Grandma Chris: 9/17
Uncle Andy: 9/18 (early am)
Rae: 9/18
Aunt Jennifer: 9/19
Jessica (Mommy): 9/20
Erin: 9/21
Aunt Jen: 9/22
Jamie: 9/23
Great Aunt Monica: 9/25
Grandpa Bert: 9/26
Kristen: 9/26
Mike (Daddy): 9/28
Aunt Katie: 9/28 (her birthday!)
Stephanie: 9/29
Grandma Cindy: 9/30
Great Aunt Agnes: 10/1
Big Brother-to-be
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Cousins Weekend
Monday, August 16, 2010

We had the privilege of hosting our two nephews, AJ and John, this weekend while their parents were away having fun at a concert in Chicago. We had all kinds of plans for fun things to do with them, which were unfortunately thwarted because John woke up sick Saturday morning. We were able to squeeze in some fun time when he did start to feel better though. We lunched at our favorite restaurant, visited the "really fun park," spent some time watching bits of Star Wars, had a visit from Uncle Andy and Auntie Jennifer, saw the animals at Oxbow Park/Zollman Zoo and had loads of fun playing around the house. It was a fun cousins weekend!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The crib sheet was purchased from Carousel Designs, which is (in my opinion) the best baby bedding site around. I bought all of Benjamin's bedding from there and really couldn't be happier with the company. The crib skirt is homemade and the fabric (Amy Butler Fresh Ivory Poppies) is from the Cracker Jack Shack. The crib is a hand-me-down from my parents and was not only the crib Benjamin slept in, but also his Momma!

This artwork is something very much treasured by myself and Mike because it was purchased while we were living in England. It is a print of a painting of one of our favorite spots in Winchester, where we lived. The painting kind of served as inspiration for the room's colors and bicycle-related items. The other wall hanging in the room with the aqua bicycles came from Hobby Lobby waaaay back when we first found out we were pregnant and even before we knew what we were having. I spray painted it aqua to match the crib sheet.

The items on the shelves are just a rag-tag collection of miscellaneous baby things that will likely change as we get closer to her birth. The one thing on the shelves that was purchased specifically for the room is the "Keep Calm and Ride On" card. I do plan on painting the frame or buying one that matches the room better - someday. The shelves are from IKEA.

I purchased the birds from Target, but since they only came in black I had to diy them a bit. I spray painted them ivory, which worked sort of okay. They just rest on push pins, so they're very easy to hang, which was nice.
So that's it. The nursery is done and now you all can enjoy it!
Baby Makenna
Monday, August 09, 2010
Woman Hard at Work
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Ever since returning from our vacation, I have been hard at work preparing the nursery for Baby Girl. I've patched up wall holes, painted the inside of the closet, began work on repainting a bookshelf, made many purchases at IKEA and beyond and most recently - began spray painting some cute wall decor. Here is a sneak peak:
Bouncin' Bunnies
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Benjamin has been attending "summer school" (I put that in quotes because it is much less school and much more "fun time".) at a local public school here. He really loves the program and they've been doing some really neat things with the kids. Last week the whole program put on a talent show where each classroom performed a dance, song, skit, etc and some of the more talented kids did something on their own. Mike and I were able to sneak away to watch and we were glad we did because it was quite a hoot! Benjamin's class - "Bouncing Bunnies" (kindergarteners and first graders) - did a cute little dance that I was able to get on video. He's the little guy in the brown shirt and headband toward the middle of the pack...check out his moves!
Don't forget!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Leave your birth predictions for Little Girl in the comments! So far we have a few guesses...
Jessica (Mommy): 9/20
Marianne: 9/15
Mike (Daddy): 9/28
Jen: 9/22
Stephanie: 9/29
Grandma Chris: 9/17
Kristen: 9/26
Jamie: 9/23
Andy: 9/18 (early am)
Katie: 9/28 (her birthday!)
Erin: 9/21
Grandpa Bert: 9/26
Home again, home again...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
It was a whirlwind trip of lots of driving, sightseeing, wave jumping, visiting friends and family and just all around fun! We have returned from our North/South Carolina vacation.
All of our photos can be found at
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Ohhhh say can you see...
Monday, July 05, 2010
We ended up back at my parents house to celebrate the holiday with a nice boat ride, naps, bonfire and s'mores in the evening. We didn't make it out to a professional fireworks display, but could see (and hear!) all of the private fireworks around the lake.
Monday - We spent the day with the Schmitts in celebration of Grandma Cindy's 59th birthday. The family met up at a park for a short picnic between the rain storms and then some relaxation at Andy and Jennifer's house. We headed back to Rochester before dinner and are now trying to soak up the last few minutes of the weekend.
The Great Labor Debate II
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Jamie: 9/23
Five is a marvelous number
Tuesday, June 29, 2010