Phew! It is hot out there - again. This heat brings on boredom and brings out the stir crazy in the kids even worse than winter does. I think it is because our bodies are clamoring to be outside, but our brains know better. We'll melt if we go out there. We've had some under 90 degree days here and there and have tried our best to take full advantage when we do.
Benjamin is at the same summer program that he has been in for the past three years. They always put on a talent show and this year his classroom performed Sea Cruise. It was really cute: This weekend our cousins, The Ryans, were in town and the kids (and adults!) had an awesome time together. Makenna is just three months older than Lucy and it was so cute to see them interact with each other.Archive for July 2012
Catching up
Monday, July 02, 2012
Well, we sure have been busy around here lately. Let's go back to the beginning of June! (Click on the photo to go to our photo website and see more from these collections.)
We celebrated our Godson John's fourth birthday with a fun outdoor party at his house:

We launched some rockets in a nearby park:

Benjamin "graduated" from first to second grade.

We took our family vacation to Oregon where we spent some time in Portland, Lincoln City (on the coast) and Welches (near Mt. Hood). We saw so much and had a great time. We are so lucky that our children are great little travelers.

Benjamin turned 7 and we celebrated with breakfast in bed and a Harry Potter themed party with friends.

It has been a very busy, but fun summer so far!