Benjamin's school had their very first drama performances ever this past weekend. A friend of the music teacher came all the way from London to do a two week Shakespeare intensive with all of the elementary children (1st grade through 7th grade). 80 children rehearsed and performed roles in two showings of both Macbeth and Midsummer Night's Dream. Benjamin chose a non-speaking part for his first school play and he was cast as Donalbain, a son of King Duncan. I worked as the assistant director on the shows and spent many hours at the school working with Miss Greenslade, the director. It was so much fun and so rewarding to see the children do so well at the performances on Saturday.
Archive for May 2012
Racing Day
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Benjamin opted out of his acting class Saturday morning in order to do a 1 mile race (see? he's a little bit of me and a little bit of Mike, too). He ran the Spring Classic Melby Kids Run here in Rochester at Soldiers Field. It was a cool cloudy morning, but that didn't keep a good sized group of kids from running the race.
Life altering
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
This photography course I am taking is life-changing. My photography is improving by leaps and bounds. I am loving it. There are still 5 weeks left to go. I am so excited to see how far I've come when it is done. I wanted to post some photos that I worked on yesterday for this week's assignments in depth of field and aperture. The goal with these photos was to use focus and blurring creatively. I started with trying to shoot Lucy while she colored with the chalk, which went well, but she lost interest pretty quickly.

Then I moved onto shooting some pictures of the chalk on the driveway because the kids were running around playing and wouldn't have been cooperative subjects.
While I was laying on the driveway with the chalk, Benjamin and Lucy were running around the neighbor's yard, so I shot a bit from on the ground. I was pretty happy with this one: