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    Santa with a side of bacon

    Tuesday, December 17, 2013

    My parents have made a tradition out of going to Macy's annual Breakfast with Santa event during the Christmas season. It has been seven years since our first time and our fourth visit with Santa in Minnesota at Ridgedale Mall. Looking back at photos from past years makes me realize how much time has passed since Benjamin was a tiny little guy who was shy with Santa. Lucy is the same age as he was when we started this tradition. She didn't want to sit on his lap, but definitely didn't pass up the chance to tell him that she'd like Barbies for Christmas this year! Smart girl.

    This year's Santa was a bit on the sassy side and didn't miss an opportunity to mug for my camera.

    Breakfast with Santa 2013Breakfast with Santa 2013 Breakfast with Santa 2013 Breakfast with Santa 2013