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    Autumn Happenings

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    We celebrated Lucy's first birthday with our families this weekend. It was a great day! She opened up all of her presents and dug right into her cake like a pro.

      Lucy on her new riding toy Lucy playing with her new toys Lucy enjoying her cake

    The theme of her party was pumpkins and I had fun making pumpkin-y decorations and the cake.  I ordered her personalized pumpkin dress from Etsy.com.  Unfortunately I didn't get any very good photos of her in it.  

    Our Little Pumpkin is now such a big girl!

    Birthday Cake

    The following day we left the kids in the care of their Uncle Dan and Auntie Katie while Mike and I took to the roads of Mankato, Minnesota for a bike ride. We opted for the 42 mile route which had us riding up and down some pretty steep hills and along windy country roads. It was luckily a very beautiful (albeit windy) day. We had a great time!

    Mankato Bike Ramble Start/Finish