The last of the snow around our house has finally melted and signs of spring are beginning to appear. Benjamin and I grabbed the chance to enjoy some outside time Friday afternoon while I cleaned the garage and he rode up and down the block in his electric jeep. Saturday morning, while Mike was away on his run, his brother Dan called and asked if he and Katie could come down for the afternoon. We had a fun visit with them and Katie and I were even able to get some shopping in at Hobby Lobby. I bought our first item for the baby's nursery and am pretty excited about it. I won't share what it is until we're ready to reveal my plans for the room sometime after we find out the baby's gender.
On Sunday we helped our friends Jen and Nate celebrate the first birthday of their daughter Julia. It is hard to believe that she is already a year old!

The weather was so beautiful, but for some reason we found ourselves inside installing new overhead lights in our basement family room Sunday afternoon. The lights look great and certainly make the room brighter at night, but Mike's neck may never be the same! I'll take a photo of the new lights and post it sometime soon. Either my nesting instinct is kicking in or maybe it is just the coming of spring or it could be the countless hours of HGTV in HD that I've been watching, but I've been very inspired to do some small projects around the house. I'll show them off here when I can.
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